Dear ASLI member
Here are the resources I promised to link you to following the Zoom meeting on 28th July 2022. If you have any more questions to which you can’t find the answer here remember that, as part of your ASLI subscription, you can book a free call with me here.
The Entrepreneurs Marketing and Sales System,
How to Build a Successful Business
Business Maths Made Simple (use coupon code ASLI01)
Your mindset is the number one thing that will create success or failure in your business
What is my personal tax account and how do I access it?
What is a payment on account and do I have to pay it?
Should I incorporate my business (sometimes called ‘go limited’)?
How many years national insurance contributions do I need to get a full state pension?
What is making tax digital and when will apply to me?
Do I need a business bank account?
Can I pay my income tax in instalments?