Posted on December 10, 2017  
by Noel Guilford

Last week I discussed the importance of personal development. This reminded me of something Zig Ziglar said: “Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing not the getting; in the trying not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.”

There is nothing competitive about success. The business of life isn’t a sport. There is no ‘I win you lose’. Anyone and everyone can be super-successful…..if that’s what they choose.

So much of our early years education instills a different (limiting) belief in us which holds us back. We are encouraged to compare ourselves to others rather than be the best we can be.

So what are you going to achieve in 2018? Some people start to wind down in December but I like to use it, particularly the week off I take over Christmas, to plan the coming year. And I’ve decided that 2018 is going to be my best year ever. Because I can; I get to choose, and so can you.

Stop comparing yourself and your business to others – even your competitors. You are unique, an expert at what you do and you have a set of skills that no one else has. Use them to differentiate your business, grow your sales, double your profits. It’s your choice. The only person stopping you is you.

In doing so remember what Jim Rohn said “Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal development.” When did you last take a course on marketing, selling, understanding your numbers or managing your team. Or as Stephen Covey said in The 7 Habits, “Cultivate the habit of sharpening your saw every day by exercising mind and body”. Wise words.

When I plan the year ahead the first dates that go in my calendar are the training courses and retreats I plan to attend and the meetings of the charity of which I am a Trustee. Next I schedule my quarterly ‘down time’ and everything else goes in last.

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Noel Guilford

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